The Best of Internet Marketing On The Web:
Website URL: URL: Unknown
Twitter URL:!/jospos
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The Best of Internet Marketing is an eBook which provides tips and strategies on how to make money through online internet marketing. This version (2.0) includes 150 articles written by professionals who have found success in the online business.
Josip Posavec, the man who put together this compilation of articles, tags a person as having obtained ?success? if they have made over one million U.S. dollars in a year by working online. This eBook includes articles by well-known internet gurus such as Dr. Kevin Nunley, Dr. Jeffrey Lant, Terry Dea and more.
Posavec compares the direct marketing business to panning for gold. He admits that while it is exhilarating when you find the gold, even the times when you are not bringing in money you are at least learning something about the process. He asserts that this is ?one of the most comprehensive entrepreneurial eBooks ever created.? He also states that his eBook will direct readers to the right place to find their treasure and give them the tools required in the process of panning for their proverbial gold.
This compilation is divided into 6 chapters including: Getting Started Online, Internet Strategy, Traffic Generation, Email Marketing, Copywriting, and Multiple Streams of Income. On the product website, Posavec also lists the different topics and articles under each chapter. For example, chapter 1 includes 29 different articles.
Josip Posavec argues that to make money online a person must find the right product, find the right market, and find them at the right time. The articles included in The Best of Internet Marketing are meant to help its readers identify opportunities that could bring them success.
The Best of Internet Marketing Pricing, Fees, Bonuses And Guarantees
While Posavec states that no bonuses are offered with the purchase of his eBook because it is a good buy in and of itself, he goes on to mention that all new versions will be sent for free to anyone who buys the current one. He also includes a ?risk free, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee for a full 30 days.?
Version 2.0 of The Best of Internet Marketing is currently being sold for $19.00; however, version 3.0 will soon be coming out. Each version that is released will be sold at a higher price since they will contain more information. Posavec does provide a link to download a free copy of the 1.0 version. The buyer must have MS Windows and IE4+ in order to download these eBooks.
About The Founders
It appears that Josip Posavec lives in Croatia and also works as a photographer. The few tweets that Posavec has sent out have mostly been in his native language but his original test tweets were in English. Very little information is provided on the compiler of this eBook. An extensive internet search provided no additional information.
Quick Summary
Josip Posavec?s, The Best of Internet Marketing, is a compilation of articles written by some of the most successful professionals in the direct marketing business online.
The current version (2.0) contains 150 articles and is being offered for $19.00 in the form of an eBook. Each version will increase in information and price but will be provided for free to those who purchased an older version. A 30 day 100% money back guarantee is available to the buyer.
This publication is meant to provide its readers with direction, information and tools so they can start making money through the online marketing business just as the authors of the individual articles have done.
Has The Best of Internet Marketing eBook impacted the way you do online business? Please tell us about your experiences in the comment section below!
We wish you the best in all of your endeavors!Sincerely,
Christian ColeEditor-In-Chief
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