Sunday, May 29, 2011

Antioxidants and Amino Acids Promote Hair Regrowth | Article ...

?Antioxidants are substances that hunt free radicals. Free radicals are damaging compounds in the body that alter cell membranes, interfere with DNA, and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Scientists believe free radicals contribute to the aging process, as well as the development of a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants, such as CoQ10, can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

Coenzyme Q10 improves scalp circulation and raises the tissue oxygenation levels, thereby promoting hair regrowth. It is also important for heart health. CoQ10 is available as a supplement in several forms including soft gel capsules, hard shell capsules, oral spray, and tablets. CoQ10 is also added to various cosmetics as it improves skin texture.

Primary dietary sources of CoQ10 include whole grains, organ meats (such as liver), and oily fish (such as salmon and tuna). Most individuals obtain sufficient amounts of CoQ10 through a balanced diet, although supplements may be useful for individuals with particular health conditions.

Preliminary clinical studies also suggest that CoQ10 may improve immune function in individuals with immune deficiencies and chronic infections (such as yeast, bacteria, and viral infections). It?s also known to Increase sperm motility leading to enhanced fertility. It can also be used as part of the treatment for Alzheimer?s disease and Parkinson?s disease and can reduce damage from stroke.

This antioxidant can boost athletic performance and enhance physical activity in people with fatigue syndromes. It also improves exercise tolerance in individuals with muscular dystrophy.

CoQ10 can delay the aging process and increase longevity.

Amino acids such as L-Cysteine and L-methionine can improve hair quality, hair texture and hair regrowth. L-cysteine is important in detoxification and in the formation of skin, as well as the repair of hair and nail tissue. It is used in producing antioxidants and protects the brain and liver from damage due to the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarette smoke. L-Cysteine helps defend against harmful toxins and protects the body from damage caused by radiation.

Other benefits include reducing the effects of aging on the body. It also promotes healing of severe burns, fat burning and helps build muscle. L-Cysteine also promotes the activity of white blood cells.

Methionine is considered an essential amino acid, meaning it is not produced by the body and must be obtained from one?s diet. This amino acid is used by the body to synthesize many important substances like epinephrine and choline. It?s an important source of dietary sulfur to support growth and metabolism. Sulfur is used by the body to promote healthy hair, hair regrowth, skin, and nail growth. Some natural sources of Methionine are egg whites, fish, elk tree, turkey, chicken, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, dairy products, and cereal grains.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is known to negatively affect the hair follicles of the scalp. Buildup of DHT in the scalp causes the hair follicles to miniaturize (shrink). After hair is being naturally shed, the miniaturized hair follicles can?if able to grow any?only produce strands that are shorter, thinner, and colorless. The hair follicles weakened by DHT are made incapable of growing healthy strands, hence causing thinning hair.

Useful Links:
Natural Hair Regrowth | Leimo Laser Comb


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